Category: Cavity Prevention

Proper Flossing Techniques: A Step-by-Step Guide

young man smiles while flossing his teeth

Along with brushing, flossing is a key part of a daily oral hygiene routine. Floss removes plaque between teeth and at the gum line, where decay or gum disease can easily form. At Paris Mountain Dental, we emphasize the importance of flossing during every visit. However, we wrote this step-by-step guide so you can easily reference proper flossing techniques wherever you go!

Choose the Right Floss

Begin your flossing journey by selecting the right tool for the job. Dental floss comes in various types, including waxed, unwaxed, tape and flavored options. Choose the floss that suits your preferences and effectively navigates between your teeth.

Cut the Right Floss Length

Cut a piece of floss around 18 inches long. This length allows you to use a fresh section of floss between each tooth, ensuring thorough cleaning without redepositing plaque.

Proper Holding Technique

Wrap the floss around your middle fingers, leaving a few inches in between for maneuverability. Use your index fingers and thumbs to guide the floss gently between your teeth. Avoid snapping the floss, as this can harm your gums.

Gentle Glide Between Teeth

Slide the floss up and down along the sides of each tooth, forming a C-shape around the tooth and gently moving it below the gumline. Ensure you cover both sides of each tooth, effectively removing plaque and debris.

Utilize a Clean Section for Each Tooth

As you move from one tooth to the next, unwind a fresh section of floss. This prevents the transfer of bacteria and ensures an optimal cleaning experience.

If you find traditional floss challenging, consider interdental brushes or floss picks. These tools can be effective alternatives, offering convenience while maintaining thorough cleaning between teeth.

Schedule a Dental Appointment in Travelers Rest, SC

Mastering proper flossing techniques is a fundamental step in achieving optimal oral health. At Paris Mountain Dental, we always encourage patients, even children, to brush and floss between routine dental visits. Have a question about flossing? Due for a routine dental visit? Call us today!


Surprising Ways Oral Health Can Affect Sleep

Young Asian girl sleeps with an eye mask on

A good night’s sleep is vital for feeling refreshed the next day. Aside from a comfortable pillow and mattress, cozy blanket, and a quiet environment, there’s one aspect of being able to get quality sleep that might not immediately come to mind: your oral health.

Believe it or not, the state of your teeth and gums can significantly impact your sleep quality. Here are five surprising ways your oral health can be connected to your sleep:

Pain & Discomfort

Oral issues such as toothaches, gum infections, or misalignment can cause significant pain and discomfort. This discomfort can make it challenging to find a comfortable sleeping position, leading to frequent wake-ups and disrupted sleep.


Chronic teeth grinding or clenching, known as bruxism, can occur unconsciously during sleep. This habit not only wears down your teeth but can also result in jaw pain and headaches, making it harder to fall and stay asleep.

Sleep Apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea is a condition where the airway becomes partially or completely blocked during sleep. While it’s a complex issue, oral health plays a role as well. Poor oral health, including gum disease, can exacerbate sleep apnea symptoms, making it even harder to get a restful night’s sleep.

Mouth Breathing

Certain oral health issues can contribute to chronic mouth breathing, which can dry the oral tissues and throat. This can lead to snoring and disrupted sleep, as well as an increased risk of bad breath, tooth decay, and gum disease.


Gum disease is characterized by inflammation in the gums. Chronic inflammation in the body has been linked to various health problems, including sleep disorders. By addressing gum disease, you may also improve your sleep quality.

Sleep Better with Improved Oral Health!

Maintaining a balanced diet, daily brushing and flossing, visiting the dentist for regular cleanings and checkups, and wearing an oral appliance for bruxism or sleep apnea can go a long way in promoting better sleep. Addressing any existing oral health issues can also help prevent them from interfering with your sleep quality. So if you’re experiencing sleep problems and suspect your oral health might be a contributing factor, don’t hesitate to consult with our team at Paris Mountain Dental!

Prevention Saves Money in the Long Run

Woman and a man brushing their teeth to maintain good oral hygiene.

Staying on top of your oral health can have a positive impact on your smile and your wallet! Preventive dentistry is the key to preventing cavities and avoiding more costly dental issues down the road. Here’s what you need to know about preventive dental care and how it can benefit you!

The Importance of Preventive Dentistry

Preventive dentistry is the foundation for a healthy smile. Preventive care includes dental cleanings and examinations as well as at-home oral hygiene regimens. With biannual cleanings and exams, your dental team can thoroughly clean your teeth and gums by removing any plaque and tartar buildup that you may have missed when brushing your teeth at home. After your cleaning, your dentist will examine your mouth to ensure you don’t have any signs of dental issues, such as cavities. In addition to regular dental visits, you should also maintain a strong at-home oral hygiene routine by brushing twice a day for two minutes each and flossing daily.

Extra Prevention for Kids

Teaching kids good dental hygiene habits will set them up for success maintaining a healthy smile as an adult. Dental sealants and fluoride treatments are two procedures we offer in the office that are especially effective preventive treatments for kids.

Don’t Leave Dental Issues Untreated

If you have any dental concerns, please don’t push them by the wayside! The sooner you seek treatment, the better. If an issue arises in between your biannual visits, contact your dentist right away. When small problems are left untreated, they can turn into more complex and costly dental issues in the long run. If you are experiencing any of the following dental issues, please call Paris Mountain Dental right away.

  • Bleeding, Sensitive Gums
  • Chronic & Throbbing Toothache
  • Sensitivity to Hot & Cold
  • Sudden Tooth Discoloration
  • Protection Is Part of Prevention

    Preventive dentistry also includes preventing damage to teeth when possible. This means that the athletes in your family should wear an athletic mouthguard when participating in contact sports. The cost of a custom-fitted mouthguard is negligible when compared to the cost of replacing a knocked-out tooth.

    Looking For a Dental Home in Travelers Rest, SC?

    Finding a good dental home can help you prevent tooth decay and keep your smile healthy. At Paris Mountain Dental, we are passionate about helping patients of all ages achieve and maintain great oral health! We understand that taking care of your smile is a big responsibility and we’re ready and equipped to assist you along your dental health journey. Please contact us to book your consultation!

    Regular preventive care will save you money in the long run!


    Is It Safe To Go to the Dentist in the Middle of a Pandemic?

    Graphic showing numerous covid-19 safety procedures including masks, gloves, hand sanitizer and goggles.

    This past year, our lives were disrupted in unprecedented ways due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has changed the way we socialize, the way we shop, and the way we stay healthy. Our team at Paris Mountain Dental has been diligent about updating safety and cleanliness procedures so that you and your family can feel safe going to the dentist in the middle of the pandemic.

    New Infection Control Procedures

    Our new infection control procedures are designed to ensure that you and your family stay safe and healthy while getting the quality dental care you need. From the way you schedule appointments to your time inside our office, we’ve worked to implement recommendations from the American Dental Association, the CDC, and OSHA so you can feel confident visiting our office.

    For example, we pre-screen all of our patients before their appointments. The office has plenty of hand sanitizer available and we have limited the amenities we offer in our waiting room to make things easier to clean and disinfect. We ask our patients to wait in their car until their appointment time and are scheduling appointments to allow for social distancing. Patients are also asked to wear masks while in our office.

    Is Visiting the Dentist Safe During COVID-19?

    Even during a pandemic, it is important to keep up with your regular dental appointments with Dr. Ghimire and our team. Regular visits to our office allow us to keep an eye on the health of your teeth and to diagnose and treat any potential issues before they develop into serious problems. Professional cleanings every six months prevent cavities and gum disease. To ask our team any questions about our pandemic protocol, give us a call.

    Preventive Care in Travelers Rest, SC

    Paris Mountain Dental is here to help you maintain good oral health. We understand that the disruptions to regular routines caused by the pandemic have knocked some people off their hygiene habits. If you are working or attending school from home, it’s easy to stay in pajamas and neglect morning oral care. More stress snacking has also made good oral hygiene at home more important than ever. Make sure you’re brushing your teeth twice daily for two minutes each time and flossing each day to keep your pearly whites healthy and strong. If you are due for a six month preventive exam and cleaning, give us a call to schedule your next appointment!

    We have new protocols to ensure your safety!


    How Do Root Cavities Occur in Teeth?

    Smiling older couple wearing hats and riding a blue scooter

    We know that cavities can occur on the surface of our teeth. But did you know that they can also appear at the root of the teeth below the gumline? To help you avoid root decay, we want to share this information on root cavities.

    What Is a Root Cavity?

    Root cavities occur on the root surfaces of your teeth. This typically results from gum disease, receding gums, or aging conditions that lead to gum changes or recession. Cavities on the root of teeth are severe and aggressive. They tend to grow at a more rapid pace than typical cavities, and often go unnoticed by the patient, which causes them to worsen. These types of cavities put patients at higher risk for infection, toothaches, and nerve pain.

    Who Gets Root Cavities?

    Older adults are more susceptible to root cavities. The aging process takes a toll on teeth, leading to enamel degradation and gum recession. Medications can also cause dry mouth. For this reason, older adults need to be extremely diligent about caring for their teeth to prevent root cavities. This includes brushing and flossing every day, limiting carbohydrate and sugar intake, and seeing the dentist every six months to make sure no new cavities have presented. If you tend to have dry mouth, drink plenty of water to make sure the teeth are getting rinsed after every meal.

    What to Do If You Have a Root Cavity?

    If you notice any new pain, infection, or changes to your oral health, we want to discover the cause and treat it as soon as possible so you don’t face greater pain or problems in the future. Always take mouth pain seriously. Don’t put off existing issues since they could worsen quickly.

    Please call us today if you’re experiencing any tooth pain or discomfort!

    Contact Us

    Teeth X-Rays 101

    dental x-ray

    If you’ve visited Paris Mountain Dental lately, our team has probably taken a set of dental X-rays as part of your exam. Often, our patients wonder why we need to X-ray teeth—since after all, your teeth are visible and easy to see. Today, we want to explain why dental X-rays are such an important tool for Dr. Ghimire and our team when it comes to diagnosing and treating a variety of dental issues.

    Why Do We Need Dental X-Rays?

    Even when we use mirrors, lights, and cameras to get a good look at your teeth, we still can’t see everything! X-rays help us view damage and decay to your teeth and jawbone that are not visible to the naked eye. They can even help us diagnose cavities that we would not be able to catch otherwise!

    The Different Types of X-Rays for Teeth

    Just like an X-ray of a broken bone, we use different types of X-rays from different vantage points to build a full picture of your oral health. The most common types of X-rays we use are bitewing, periapical, and panoramic. Bitewing X-rays capture both your upper and lower teeth as you bite down and are a great way for us to spot any decay between your teeth and make sure that your alignment is good. Periapical X-rays provide us with a comprehensive image of an individual tooth from root to crown that shows us any potential issues with root structure, bone level, cysts, or abscesses. Panoramic X-rays show your entire mouth and help us make sure that your teeth are developing correctly.

    Are Teeth X-Rays Safe?

    While any X-ray exposes you to radiation, dental X-rays contain an extremely low dose. In fact, the level of radiation you receive from a dental X-ray is about the same as during a short airplane flight.

    Dental X-rays help us provide you and your family with quality dental care. To ask our team any questions or to schedule your next visit, call our office today!

    Contact Us Today

    How Does Laser Cavity-Detection Work?

    Side view of smiling woman with blonde highlights wearing a green jacket with elbow pads in front of an orange brick wall

    Although you may think of tooth decay as something that you should be able to readily feel and see, a dentist is often the only one who can diagnose it. When enamel gets damaged, cavities form beneath the surface of your teeth and are usually invisible to the untrained eye, especially without special dental tools. If you have a cavity that’s been there for a while, you may develop a toothache or, if it’s particularly serious decay, possibly see holes or pits in your teeth. At Paris Mountain Dental, we use advanced laser technology to detect your cavities as early as we can. But how do lasers assist in recognizing cavities?

    About Laser Cavity-Detection

    Laser cavity-detection quickly and painlessly exposes the presence of cavities. This fascinating technology is based on the fact that weaker, decayed teeth reflect more light than healthy teeth. Light easily penetrates and is absorbed by healthy teeth but has a tougher time passing through teeth with cavities.

    The DIAGNOdent®

    Our office proudly utilizes the DIAGNOdent system to assist Dr. Ghimire in identifying tooth decay. A pen-like laser scans your teeth, while the digital read-out portion of the device checks the density of your tooth’s structure to calculate the possibility of decay. Dr. Ghimire compares the device’s analysis to baseline measures, your dental X-rays, and her visual examination to determine if you have cavities that need to be treated.

    Untreated Tooth Decay

    By diagnosing cavities early, we can take care of them before they get worse. Untreated cavities can spread to neighboring teeth and cause more serious dental issues, such as gum disease, an infected inner pulp that requires root canal therapy, and tooth and bone loss. Ask our team for tips to improve your oral hygiene routine and prevent decay by contacting us today.

    Schedule your next six-month checkup to confirm your teeth are strong and healthy!

    Schedule My Appointment

    Can I Check for Cavities at Home?

    A brunette woman wearing a red shirt and large necklace rests her chin on her hand as she wonders how to detect cavities

    The majority of American adults have had a cavity at some point in their life. If you’re conscious of getting a cavity, you might want to know how to detect them.

    What Are Cavities?

    First, let’s understand what cavities are. Cavities happen when tooth enamel is destroyed and tooth decay develops. The most common cavities are called coronal cavities and occur in between your teeth or on the chewing surfaces. Root cavities are less common and mainly occur in older adults with receding gums and gum disease because their tooth’s root is exposed. If left untreated, cavities can develop into an abscess, which is an infection at the root tip that will need to be treated by tooth extraction, root canal therapy, or surgery.

    What Causes Cavities?

    Cavities develop when food particles are left in your mouth. If foods with sugars and carbohydrates aren’t washed away after you’ve eaten, the bacteria in your mouth turns them into acids. That acid combines with food debris, saliva, and bacteria in your mouth to form plaque, which destroys tooth enamel. Though children are more susceptible to developing cavities, adults need to be just as careful at keeping up with their oral hygiene and watching their sugar and carb intake.

    Can I Check for a Cavity at Home?

    In the early stages of a cavity, you won’t be able to detect it at home. This is because your tooth’s enamel doesn’t have nerves so when decay is entering that layer, you won’t feel anything. If the cavity and decay has progressed to reach the soft tissue inside your tooth, where dentin and nerves are, you may notice tooth sensitivity and pain, which could be anything from a mild to a more intense sensation. If a cavity has really progressed, you may be able to see holes or pits in your teeth and stains that are black or brown. If you do, schedule an appointment with us ASAP!

    How Do I Prevent Cavities?

    The best way to prevent cavities is by practicing good oral hygiene. You should brush your teeth at least twice a day for 2 minutes each time, floss at least once a day, and use toothpaste with fluoride. Eating healthy foods and staying away from sugary and carbohydrate-heavy foods is also vital to cavity prevention.

    Come See Us Every 6 Months!

    Another way to detect and prevent cavities is to visit us for biannual cleanings and checkups. Dr. Ghimire will evaluate any unusual tooth pain and confirm the presence or absence of tooth decay. She’ll prod your teeth to check for soft spots and take X-rays to look between your teeth, where cavities often occur. Call us today to schedule your next appointment!

    Is your mouth cavity-free? Find out by visiting us!

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