Category: Dental Sedation

How Do Dental Anesthetics Work?

A woman at the dentist wearing a mask to administer nitrous oxide.

Dental anesthetics are designed to help you feel at ease during your dental treatment. This might include numbing the area around the tooth or soothing you into a light sleep. Dental anxiety affects millions of people, but it shouldn’t hold you back from getting access to the treatments that keep you healthy and safe. Paris Mountain Dental offers a few different types of anesthetic and sedation options to accommodate different kinds of patients and treatments. Below is a breakdown of each option we offer and what makes it unique.

Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide, which is also called “laughing gas” is a sweet-smelling, colorless gas. We administer it through a soft mask to help you feel relaxed and in a carefree state of mind during your treatment. The effects of laughing gas are almost immediate as you take a few deep breaths in. Likewise, the effects of nitrous oxide wear off almost immediately after we remove the mask. After a few minutes, you should feel like your old self again and can safely drive yourself home.


Many times, your dentist will numb the surrounding areas of your tooth with a novocaine injection. But if you’re afraid of needles, that simply isn’t an option. Luckily, we offer DentalVibe® technology. This sends out a wave of small vibrations that numb the area without the use of needles!

Topical Anesthesia

Topical anesthesia is a gel or cream that is applied to the area around the tooth to numb it. The most you will feel is pressure within the area during treatment, but not much else!

Is Dental Anesthesia Safe for Everyone?

Yes! And before we move forward with any type of sedation or treatment plan, we will review your medical history and current circumstances to make sure you’ll be safe throughout your treatment.

Sedation Dentistry in Travelers Rest, SC

If you suffer from dental anxiety or just want to feel a little more comfortable during your treatment, know you’ll be in good hands at Paris Mountain Dental! Apart from anesthesia, we also provide a comfortable, relaxing office environment, with amenities like candles and aromatherapy and soft pillows and blankets. If you are interested in scheduling an appointment with us, call our office or schedule an appointment by clicking the contact link. Be sure to check out our flexible financing options before you visit us, too.

We use dental anesthesia to keep you comfortable during your treatment!