What Are Dental Implants?

Smiling brunette woman in dental chair waiting for a dental implant

Missing teeth make it harder to eat, talk, and smile with confidence. Therefore, if you’re looking for a natural-looking durable solution, dental implants may be the perfect option for you! Read on to learn about this popular tooth replacement solution.

What Are Dental Implants?

A dental implant is composed of a solid metal post, either titanium or zirconia that is surgically implanted into the jawbone. This post fuses to the jawbone to become a strong and supportive replacement tooth root. It is then topped with a restoration to provide a fully-functioning and natural-looking smile. This could be a dental crown, dental bridge, or dentures. The number of replacement teeth and dental implants you need will determine your specific treatment plan.

Dental Implant Procedure

First, a consultation at Paris Mountain Dental will determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure. Our expert team will review your medical and dental history and ask questions about your oral health habits. This is necessary in order to evaluate whether your gums and jawbone are strong enough. Once you are approved, expect the process to take several months. During the recovery period, called the osseointegration phase, the metal post fuses to your jawbone. Once it is securely integrated, the restoration will be affixed to the implanted post.

Mini Dental Implants

At your consultation, we can help you determine whether denture stabilization with mini dental implants is the right solution for your missing teeth. This is a cost-effective way to keep dentures from shifting or falling out. Mini dental implants are less invasive to place than traditional implants. Therefore they are great for patients with less jawbone density.

Caring For Dental Implants

Caring for your implants is like caring for your natural teeth. Excellent oral health habits are necessary. You want to keep any natural neighboring teeth healthy, your gums strong, and your jawbone from deteriorating. Brush twice daily for two minutes each time, floss every day and visit us for routine checkups. Good oral health is also supported by a balanced diet. Drink plenty of water and avoid tobacco products.

Implants in Travelers Rest, SC

We have a number of flexible payment options. Don’t let budget worries keep you from improving your smile. So, contact Paris Mountain Dental today to schedule your consultation!

We would be thrilled to find the perfect tooth replacement treatment for your unique dental needs.

