How Long Do Veneers Last?

If your smile leaves something to be desired, it’s time to fix that. Veneers can be a great option if you’re looking to improve the look and feel of your smile.

woman's smile from dental porcelain veneers

Veneers 101

Veneers are tooth-shaped shells custom made out of porcelain to fit over the teeth. They are used to fix up the smile, solving a variety of common issues including yellow or crooked teeth. When installing veneers, your dentist will remove some enamel, making room and creating a rough surface for the veneers to adhere to. Veneers are attached to the existing teeth using a dental resin. The result will be an incredibly natural smile—a durable set of teeth that won’t stain.

Are They Forever?

Veneers are built to last. Porcelain is strong and durable, much like enamel. But again, like tooth enamel, porcelain can crack. Barring any sort of accidental break, veneers will typically last somewhere in the range of 10 to 15 years. Once that time frame has come and gone, your veneers will either need repair or replacement, depending on the shape they’re in.

It’s All About Care

With great care, you can ensure that your veneers will last as long as possible. Since the veneers are simply covering the natural teeth, oral care should remain a top priority. That means brushing, flossing, and seeing a dentist twice a year, in addition to maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle habits. In addition to care, if you’re careful you can minimize the risk of wear and damage. Do not bite your nails, never use your teeth to open packaging or rip off a tag, and if you have a teeth clenching or grinding habit, address it before, or soon after, getting veneers.

Top Quality Care At Paris Mountain Dental

Whether you want veneers, already have veneers, or are fine without them, you have the power to control the look and feel of your smile by paying attention to your oral health, and we’re here to help. Feel free to call our office with questions about your care, or to set up an upcoming visit!

To ask our team any questions about veneers or to schedule your visit to our office, contact us today!

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