Yummy Foods for a Healthy Smile

a cluster of strawberries on a white background

Many foods, like sugary drinks and starchy snacks, are poor for your teeth and gums. We recommend prioritizing dietary choices that will benefit your dental health! For example, the following yummy foods help promote a healthy smile:


These bright berries are sweet, juicy, and rich in vitamin C and antioxidants. Vitamin C promotes healthy gums and strengthens blood vessels, reducing the risk of gum disease. The natural astringent properties of strawberries can also help remove surface stains from your teeth, enhancing your smile’s brightness.

Grilled Vegetables

Grilling is a popular cooking method, but it’s not only for meats! Try grilling an assortment of vegetables like bell peppers, zucchini, and eggplant. These vegetables are rich in fiber, which promotes saliva production and helps scrub away plaque from your teeth while you chew.

Dairy Products

Calcium-rich dairy products like low-sugar yogurt, whole-milk cheese, and milk support strong teeth and bones. Dairy products also contain a protein called casein that forms a protective layer on the tooth enamel, shielding it from acid erosion.


While calcium is great for the teeth, it won’t matter how much you eat if your body doesn’t have enough vitamin D. Vitamin D is helpful in processing and absorbing calcium. Salmon is one of the best foods for getting vitamin D. The healthy fats from salmon also help prevent oral disease.


Similar to vegetables like celery, pears are fibrous and can easily stimulate saliva production. Pears also have acid-neutralizing effects in your mouth. Add sliced pears to a salad or eat them on the go!

Schedule a Dental Appointment in Travelers Rest, SC

While what you eat is important, how you care for your smile is even more important! Brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes each time and floss daily to remove plaque and food particles. And don’t forget to schedule routine dental appointments for you and the whole family at Paris Mountain Dental!

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