Author: Paris Mountain Dental

Questions to Ask Your Travelers Rest Dentist

A blue question mark on a white square note paper over a blue background

Maybe you’re new to Travelers Rest (if so, welcome!) or maybe you just haven’t visited a dental office in a while. Whatever the case may be, it’s possible you feel a little unsure about what to ask your dentist at your upcoming appointment. There’s no need to stress! It’s not a test that you need to come prepared for. Your dental team will guide you through the process and be happy to answer any questions you have.

Here are a few questions that you might find helpful to ask your Travelers Rest dentist the next time you see them:

How Can I Improve My Oral Health?

Your dental team can offer up some personalized tips to make your oral health habits even better. If they don’t tell you already, ask them how you can improve your oral health based on what they find during your cleaning and checkup. They may give you pointers on flossing technique or point out specific areas of your mouth you should focus more on while brushing. You could even ask them for specific toothpaste or toothbrush recommendations.

I Am Having a Dental Issue… How Can I Fix It?

Whether you’re experiencing some sort of dental pain or there’s an aesthetic issue that annoys you everytime you see pictures or reflections of your smile, your Travelers Rest dentist can help. Let them know what you’d like to improve or change, and they can recommend some treatments to you based on their suite of dental services.

What Are My Payment Options?

Before going to a dentist for the first time, check what kind of financial options they have. You’ll find that different dental practices accept various kinds of payment methods. Your dental team should be happy to help you figure out which payment method works the best for your specific budget.

Come Visit Us!

If you’re still looking for a dentist in Travelers Rest, we invite you to check out Paris Mountain Dental. We’d be delighted to welcome your whole family into our practice and to care for your smile throughout the years.

How Long Do Dental Sealants Last?

Closeup of a woman getting a dental checkup by a blue gloved hand holding a dental mirror

Dental sealants are a preventive treatment that can help reduce the chances of cavities developing. Sealants smooth out the uneven pits and grooves that can frequently trap food particles. Applying these thin, protective coatings on the chewing surface of your back teeth is a quick, painless procedure.

Whether you already have sealants or are considering getting them, you may be wondering how long they last. The short answer is that, when properly cared for, dental sealants can last for up to ten years!

How to Get the Most Out of Your Dental Sealants

While sealants are most effective in the first two years after they are placed, they can protect your teeth for long after that if you take the right steps.

The best way to increase the lifespan of your sealants is to practice proper oral hygiene by brushing and flossing every day. It’s also important to come in for routine checkups twice a year, during which our team will make sure that your sealants are still in good condition.

When sealants wear down, it’s possible for bacteria to lodge underneath the protective coating, resulting in cavities. Therefore, you’ll want to avoid any activity that may weaken your sealants, such as chewing on ice or hard candy.

If you clench your jaw or grind your teeth, the sealants on your molars could wear down more quickly. We recommend wearing a custom nightguard to prevent tooth erosion and to allow your sealants to last longer.

Dental Sealants in Travelers Rest, SC

Our friendly team at Paris Mountain Dental offers comprehensive oral healthcare, including sealants and other preventive dental care. Please contact us today to schedule an appointment! Our office is open Mondays by appointment, and Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 8 AM to 1 PM and 2 PM to 5 PM.

Do Dental Implants Last Forever?

Illustration of a dental implant replacing a missing tooth in a upper jaw

If you are missing teeth, you have likely experienced associated changes with your bite, speech, diet, and confidence, and a decreased quality of life. But it doesn’t always have to be that way. Replacing missing teeth can improve oral function and restore your smile’s appearance! Dental implants, for example, are a fantastic long-term tooth replacement solution.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are one of the most secure, natural-looking restorative dentistry procedures available. An implant is a biocompatible dental screw that is surgically placed into the jawbone. Once the area is healed and fused with your jaw, an artificial tooth is attached to its top to restore full function and appearance.

How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

While the implant itself is permanent as long as you maintain good gum health, its accompanying dental crown will experience wear and tear and may need replacement within 15-20 years. But thanks to our advanced dental technology, we can quickly craft a replacement crown so you can continue enjoying a complete smile.

How to Prolong the Life of Your Dental Implants

A dental implant can last for many years when it is cared for with daily brushing and flossing, routine dental cleanings, and a balanced diet. Besides maintaining these habits, the following tips can also help you promote dental implant longevity:

    ––Use a soft-bristled toothbrush when brushing
    ––Wear a nightguard if you grind and clench your teeth
    ––Wear an athletic mouthguard during sports
    ––Avoid chewing on ice, nails, pencils, pens, and other objects
    ––Avoid tobacco products

    Dental Implants in Travelers Rest, SC

    A dental implant may be the perfect solution for the gap in your smile. Contact our team at Paris Mountain Dental in Travelers Rest, SC, to learn more about restoring your smile with dental implants. We would be delighted to hear from you.

    Dental implant image from Authority Dental under CC 2.0

Will Clear Aligners Straighten My Smile?

Closeup of a woman smiling as she puts in her clear aligners to straighten her teeth

Misaligned, crooked teeth can make you feel self-conscious and make it harder to keep your teeth clean. Thus, straightening your smile will not only boost your confidence, but improve your oral health too! Nowadays, many patients can choose between braces and clear aligners to address their misalignment.

What Are Clear Aligners?

Clear aligners are custom mouth trays that use gentle pressure to straighten your teeth. You switch out the aligners every two weeks or so until treatment is complete. Because the trays are made from smooth plastic, they’re more comfortable than traditional metal braces. They’re also removable! You take them out to eat, drink anything other than water, and brush and floss your teeth.

Who Can Get Clear Aligners?

Clear aligners can fix mild to moderate alignment issues. You may need the power of traditional braces if you have a more complicated case. Additionally, you need to have good oral health, be responsible enough to keep track of your aligners, and commit to wearing your aligners for 20-22 hours a day and keeping them and your teeth clean. The best way to know if you’re a good candidate for this orthodontic treatment is to schedule an appointment with a dentist that is specially-trained in clear aligner therapy!

How Long Do Clear Aligners Take to Straighten Teeth?

While each case is different, clear aligner treatment typically takes about a year for most patients. The process requires checkups every several weeks. Keep in mind that treatment will be prolonged if you do not wear your aligners enough each day.

Clear Aligners in Traveler’s Rest, SC

Clear aligners effectively and discreetly straighten crooked teeth. Unlike traditional braces, they’re removable and not very noticeable. If your dental insurance does not cover the cost, we accept CareCredit and offer a discount on clear aligners with enrollment in our dental savings plan. Please contact us today to set up a consultation at Paris Mountain Dental!

How to Floss Your Teeth

Closeup of a woman flossing her teeth with string floss against a blue wall

When you visit our office, you will likely be reminded to brush and floss your teeth every day to help prevent cavities and gum disease. If you’re not sure how to floss your teeth properly, these tips can help!

Tips to Floss Properly

1) Break off about 18 inches of floss. Wrap a majority of your floss in one of your middle fingers and the rest around the same finger on the opposite hand.

2) Hold the floss between the thumbs and pointer fingers. This hold is how you will guide the floss.

3) Gently guide the floss between each tooth. Some teeth may require more force than others.

4) When the floss is inserted between teeth, curve it into a C shape and slide it into the space between the gum and the tooth on each side.

5) Gently guide the floss up and down. Repeat for every tooth surface with a new section of the string of floss.

Why Is It Important to Floss Properly?

Daily brushing and flossing will not be painful or cause bleeding for healthy teeth and gums. However, infrequent or improper flossing can cause bleeding gums. Flossing too hard can damage the tissue between your teeth. Being inconsistent or too gentle will not effectively get food particles and bacteria out, thus increasing your risk of bad breath, tooth decay, and gum disease.

What to Use to Floss Your Teeth

You’ll likely notice many different dental products available in the oral care aisle at the store. These products may include several types of floss, such as traditional string floss, dental picks, and water flossers. Using a combination of these products will likely yield the best results! Choosing a product with the ADA Seal of Acceptance indicates it will be safe and effective. You can also consult with our team for personalized recommendations.

Preventive Care in Travelers Rest, SC

Brushing and flossing are vital parts of good at-home preventive care. Additionally, you should schedule routine cleanings and exams at our office. We offer comprehensive oral healthcare services. Please contact us today to schedule a visit!

Is It Safe to Pull Your Own Tooth?

Illustration of special dental tools extracting a tooth

There are so many DIY solutions floating around on the internet. From how to create your own household cleaner to repairing certain things around the home without calling in outside help, some DIY recommendations are more manageable and helpful than others. One dental-related DIY job we’ve heard about is to perform a tooth extraction at home.

The Risks of Pulling Your Own Teeth

If your tooth is causing you agonizing pain, you shouldn’t remove it yourself unless you are experiencing some sort of bizarre scenario, like Tom Hanks stranded on an island in the movie Cast Away. If you have reasonable access to a reputable dentist, you should seek care for severe tooth pain as soon as possible.

Pulling a permanent tooth at home will be extremely painful and will significantly increase your chance of getting an infection. You don’t have the necessary tools and medication to properly numb and clean the area like we do in our dental office. In your effort to remove the tooth, you could wind up breaking the tooth (making it more difficult to remove) or damaging the surrounding teeth, or even your jawbone. Now instead of just one problematic tooth, you have even more dental issues!

Pulling Out Baby Teeth

So what about pulling out baby teeth? Maybe when you were a kid you remember your sibling, parent, or grandparent yanking out your loose teeth and now you want to help your child with their wiggly teeth. Regardless of whether you survived the experience as a child, it’s not a good idea to try and pull out your child’s baby tooth. Pulling a loose baby tooth can be painful and cause unnecessary bleeding and trauma to your child’s mouth.

Instead, encourage your child to wiggle their baby tooth with a clean finger or tissue. Baby teeth will fall out when they are ready. Something as simple as biting down on an apple can nudge them out completely when they are very loose. If you’re concerned that your child’s baby tooth isn’t falling out, consult with our team.

Your Trusted Dentist in Travelers Rest, SC

Need a gentle tooth extraction or some extra dental advice? Contact our dental office in Travelers Rest today! Paris Mountain Dental is here for all of your family’s smile needs.

Tips for a Whiter Smile

Brunette woman in a red blouse smiles and looks at her whiter teeth in a handheld mirror

Few people have a naturally white smile. This is because teeth genetically come in many different shades and tend to yellow with age, eating, and inconsistent dental care. Fortunately, some products and techniques can help you achieve a whiter smile. Here are three tips for a naturally whiter smile!

1. Daily Brush & Floss

Consistent brushing and flossing are the best ways to maintain a whiter smile. A toothbrush, especially an electric toothbrush, removes harmful plaque and some surface stains while contributing to good oral health.

If deep tooth stains are already present, brushing won’t make a dramatic difference. However, it can prevent new stains from settling in and be used as maintenance should you choose professional teeth whitening.

2. Limit Deeply-Pigmented Foods & Drinks

Food and drinks with darker pigments and tannins can lead to tooth discoloration over time. Common culprits include tea, coffee, red wine, balsamic vinegar, tomato sauce, and other concentrated and acidic substances.

Consume staining foods and drinks in moderation and rinse with water afterwards.

3. Maintain Regular Dental Cleanings

Routine cleanings at the dentist should recur every six months, and more often if you have current periodontal disease. During these visits, plaque and tartar are removed from the surface of the teeth and the teeth are polished. These cleanings help prevent tooth decay and gum disease, and can also result in a whiter smile after the plaque and tartar are removed.

Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments in Travelers Rest, SC

If you have tried these tips and your teeth are still not as white as you desire, we invite you to consider at-home or in-office teeth whitening or veneers. Then, following the above tips can help you maintain your smile’s new bright appearance!

Our team at Paris Mountain Dental can help you achieve a whiter smile. We offer a variety of cosmetic dentistry treatments like professional teeth whitening and veneers in Travelers Rest, SC. Please contact us to schedule an appointment.

Paris Mountain Dental can help brighten your smile!


Fall Foods for a Healthy Mouth

A wooden bucket of apples has tipped over next to fall leaves

When it comes to maintaining a beautiful smile, regular brushing, flossing, and preventive visits to Paris Mountain Dental are a great start. But there’s another major component to protecting your teeth and gums: your diet. You probably already know that consuming too many sweets can increase your risk of cavities and gum disease – so what foods should you be actively seeking out instead? To help you make seasonal teeth-friendly choices, we’ve put together this list of fall foods that will promote a healthy mouth.

1. Apples

When the weather begins cooling, it’s the season for apple picking. Apples are at the top of our list of fall foods for several reasons! They provide vitamin C, which is necessary for healthy gums and fighting off infection. The fibrous structure of apples acts like nature’s toothbrush by gently scrubbing your teeth of plaque and food particles. Plus, there are many ways to incorporate them into your diet. For example, dip slices into nut butter, spiral onto a salad, or mix chopped apple into oatmeal.

2. Nuts

Nuts are a satisfying year-round snack that contain protein, calcium, and phosphorus, which are important for strengthening and repairing tooth enamel. Pistachios are delightful for snacking. Stir pecans and walnuts into oatmeal, cream of wheat, and baked goods. Mix walnuts or pine nuts with spinach, kale, and/or basil leaves, olive oil, garlic, red pepper flakes, and lemon to make excellent pesto that can be served on pasta or spread on sandwiches. Remember to never bite the shell of a nut to crack it–you might crack your tooth! Buy shelled nuts or use the appropriate tools to remove the shells.

3. Pumpkin

Pureed pumpkin is delicious in pasta dishes, soups, pancakes, pie, and other baked goods. Pumpkin contains zinc, magnesium, vitamin A, and vitamin C. These nutrients help fortify your gums, prevent tooth decay, and strengthen your bones.

Please contact Paris Mountain Dental to ask questions about your oral health or to schedule an appointment!


How Do I Know If I Need a Root Canal?

Dark-haired woman in a mango-colored shirt holds her jaw and cringes in pain because she needs root canal therapy

A tooth infection can start as increased sensitivity, followed by a slight toothache, then bad breath and throbbing tooth pain. At this point, you may have developed an abscess, which is a pus-filled sac at the root of your tooth. Root canal therapy is necessary to treat a tooth infection.

Infections typically stem from trauma that causes a crack or break in your tooth or an untreated severe cavity. The pain can spread throughout your jawbone, and you can experience a bad smell and taste around the tooth, as well as swelling and a fever.

Root Canal Procedure

Root canal therapy is nearly painless procedure, despite its bad reputation. Before the procedure, your dentist will make sure you are properly anesthetized and feel comfortable. They will then drill a small hole into your tooth to access the innermost areas of your tooth, the pulp and root. This allows them to remove the infected tissue, clean out your tooth, and fill it with a special substance called gutta-percha. Your tooth will be sealed and covered with a crown to reinforce it when you chew. This procedure will have eliminated the source of your pain to protect your oral tissues from damage, while saving the outer structure and roots of your natural tooth.

How to Avoid Root Canal Therapy

There are several steps you can take to protect your teeth from infection and the need for root canal therapy. Brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes each time, floss your teeth every day, visit Paris Mountain Dental twice a year, consume a balanced diet, stay hydrated with water, wear a mouthguard if you play sports, wear a nightguard if you grind and clench your teeth, and avoid tobacco products.

Affordable Root Canal Therapy in Travelers Rest, SC

Paris Mountain Dental offers comprehensive dentistry, including preventive, restorative, and emergency dental care to help you prevent and treat tooth infections. We also offer flexible financing to make our personalized treatments affordable.

Are you experiencing tooth pain? Please contact us today to schedule an emergency appointment.


Things to Know If You Have Dentures

Grandparents smiling and laughing with a daughter and young adult granddaughter.

Are you getting dentures to replace your missing teeth? If so, congratulations! Dentures are a great way to repair your smile, restore your bite, and boost your self-confidence. Here’s what you need to know about your dentures to keep them in tip-top shape!

1. There Is an Adjustment Period for Dentures

When you first get your dentures, it will take a while for you and your mouth to get used to them. At first, your mouth will feel like there is an alien object in it and you may find your tongue rubbing against your dentures frequently. You may also get ulcers on your gums while your mouth is adjusting. However, don’t stress. The discomfort is temporary and should subside over time!

2. Cleaning Your Dentures Is Crucial

When you wear your dentures every day, they will get dirty and gather bacteria just like natural teeth. In order to avoid gum disease and cavities in any of your existing teeth, you have to clean your dentures. There are special denture cleaners that you can use daily to disinfect your dentures.

3. Practice Makes Perfect

While your mouth is getting used to your dentures, you will have to practice eating and speaking, too! It can take time to get it down, but you will soon feel confident using your new teeth. You can practice eating certain types of foods to figure out the most comfortable way for you to chew. You may also have to practice saying your “s’s” because you may have a slight lisp when you first start wearing your dentures.

4. Don’t Put Off Repairs

Over time, your dentures may get damaged from regular wear. Don’t put off getting them repaired. The longer you wear them when they’re broken, the more damage that can occur to the appliances and potentially to your mouth.

Start Your Denture Journey

Are you ready to get started on your denture journey? At Paris Mountain Dental, we are pleased to offer a variety of tooth replacement options, including full and partial dentures. Please contact us to schedule your consultation!

Dentures are a great way to restore your missing teeth!